Saturday, July 30, 2011

serious case of ambition

So this is what I'm starting with.  Well not quite, but it's the first thing I've really pinned down.  I've got plenty of back-story, and all sorts of things....this here is the first bit of actual tactile planning.  First physical evidence of this idea that has been swimming around in my head. 
It's been over a year since I came up with a tiny idea for my first campaign as a DM, and it has turned into a monster of an idea and bears little resemblance to the original idea.
It actually took a good bit of thought to make this make this map, even though it looks so simple.  Darn me for already having solidified ideas about what some of the territories were going to be like.

 So welcome to Adamas, isolated water Territory in the great wide realm of ....we will get to that later.  Adamas is divided into thirteen city-states with highly divided populations.  The city-states are named
-Purple Dusk

If you are already noticing something familiar about this, I commend your taste in reading.  Otherwise it will be explained later.  I've got so much going on in this thing its' crazy.  I have adventures planned out for almost all the cities, plus cultures and landscapes.  Not so much on the NPCs yet but I'm getting there.  It's also going to be timed.  Events in the world are going to move along according to a calendar, and the player characters may or may not get a chance to go on some of the adventures, meet some of the NPCs, etc.  It's crazy ambitious.  So to help keep me on a schedule of production and to organize my notes I have started this blog.  Everything I come up with will be on here, all the back story, all the creation process from here on out, and when the game starts, I will be including notes from the sessions along with thoughts and plans in reaction to the player characters.  I really should have started with Orc and Pie.