So I mentioned having an Egyptian themed baddie in Green with a pyramid and I have decided to definitely have him be an ultimate baddie (of ultimate destiny). Gunna have at least rumors that led to a central plot involving him. He (or she) will know the secret of the the crystals, and be working on a mysterious plot involving them. All the sub-plots like the one in Green will be parts of his ultimate over all plot.
Now I had already decided that upon starting the campaign a counter would start as well. There will be a world event that occurs whether or not the players get to interact with any of the NPCs that are involved, after a certain amount of time had passed in game. This event will change the campaign from a magic-less one to a steady increase in the amount of magic. The baddie will know this is coming and be trying to control the event some. The event's actual details are to some extent dictated by the source material, but it is vague enough that I can allow the baddie to affect it to some degree. I'm already going against one of the theories proposed in the source material, so I'm not to scared of manipulating it.
Well, all my potenial players have agreed not to read this so I'm going to go full out with the info.
The source material is The Black Jewels Trilogy. You would not need to have read the books to play the game, not all my players have. I don't intend to tell the ones that have what is going on. Someone reading this who was familiar with the series might have already guessed. The city-states names are a dead giveaway. I will repeat, to play with story I am creating you don't need to have even have heard of the source material. I do intend to have things stay true the books in my game, just cause it makes it fun for me. Any one else borrowing can do as they wish with this stuff.
Now, back to the baddie and the timed event. The event will be the 'creation' of the Blood. In the novels, the Blood are the magic wielding higher classes. Draca's final flight will be the event. I'm ignoring Seatan's theory about the men not receiving Jewels and therefore the ability to preform magic.
All players will start out as non-magic classes. After the flight, all will have magic power. I think this will be a very fun part of the campaign. Draca's (one of the last dragons in the world) flight will occur at about 3am where ever they are. The crystals that are all over are shed dragon scales. The scales shed by this flight will be special. They are not being shed in a healthy lifecycle, they are being gifted to the world. The players jewels will fall to them, and the ones that touch them physically first after falling from Draca will be theirs. They will roll for how many that is. ("roll 2 D-20's." "what for?" "to see how many rocks hit you on the head, and a roll for retaining consciousness. ya know, from the rocks falling on your head.") The stones will take awhile to form a soul bond, and the players will have to figure out on their own that they have magic. I hope one of them try to sell one. Hehe, mini campaign by itself to try and recover the thing before the player dies. :D
That's enough for tonight, it's already 3am. Not even gunna mention the map, just gunna try to get it done before 2012. Ya know, that's gunna be may goal for the who planning stage. I want to start the campaighn on New Year's Day. Good way to start the year huh? New expericnces, new characters, sounds good to me. Good luck to me. Night world.