Monday, October 31, 2011

Here there be dragons...

Purple dusk has the most land of any city state.  It is also the only one not to currently be represented on the Council.  There is enough land that our heroes will actually benefit from leaving their boat overnight.  Rocky, with extensive cave formations.  These caves are huge.  As in dragon huge.  As in if you haven't guessed yet, home of Draca and her mate huge.  If our insipid adventurers decide to explore these caves they will meet the legendary pair..

There isn't much else to say about this area...I'm thinking of making the rocks kinda swirly.  Kinda like this.  Once in the caves they will start to notice the purple glowing moss, large gold spiders, webs and such.  The spiders' bodies will be about the size of a large man's fist.  The webs they weave will have different purposes.  Most will be variations of traps.  Some traps will be for the mind, others for the body.   These are the original Black Widows.  The traps for the mind will be another post. I think for them I will randomize it, having some sort of rolling system and  and question and answer thing for the player.  Should come up with some sort of  puzzle for them to figure out.  I'm not good at that sort of thing.  May have to find something online to borrow.  Wish I had some reader to give me ideas.  Ideas Internet!  Any way back to the show...

The deeper into the caves they venture the more crystals they will find scattered on the ground, till they come to a cavern where the floor is completely covered several deep in crystals.  If they bother to dig through them in this space they will discover that the room is actually in the middle of an underground river.  The crystals are piled so high that you can easily walk through the room and never know you were over a river, except for the pleasant rushing sound of the water.  (The water actually comes up in Tiger-eye, carrying crystals with it.  That is why it seems as if the supply in never ending there.)  Even though the current is constantly carrying away crystals the room is still covered.  This is because the supply is constantly being replenished.  Welcome to the dragon's lair.

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